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Welcome to SweatTent

Welcome! We are excited to have you join the sweatiest community out there!

Meet and Greet

A dedicated room for members of our sauna community to meet each other.

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crossfitkt's avatar

1 year ago

Hello Rhode Island

Hello from Rhode Island, been eyeing a Sweat Tent for months now and wanted to wait until the Black Friday sale. Ordered mine this Friday and cant wait to get started. I currently cold plunge with my ice barrel daily so looking forward to adding in contrast therapy.

atomicoz's avatar

Top Contributor

2 months ago

hello from Baltimore

loving the new SweatTent XL. Still working out the internal configuration. Flooring, benches versus lounge chair etc,etc. All good problems to have, no complaining. Used it for the first time last night and it was cookin !!!!! I already pulled out my floor setup and went back to the pea gravel and bench ,clean and simple. Will post final setup photos later

thea258's avatar

1 year ago

Thea here from Sacramento

I've grown up hiking and always exploring the outdoors. I've discovered the power of saunas recently, and am excited to develop this regular practice.

thebplace-club's avatar

7 months ago

new sweat tent

I love my sweat tent! I have a spot on the water for cold plunge and I wanted to put in a sauna. My original plan was to build one. The cost just seemed to go higher and higher. The materials alone were going to be 10K +. I found the sweat tent on line, built a modest wooden platform for it in a day and was sweating away the next!

I am in the process of starting a club of sorts in order to share the sauna and ocean cold plunge space.. find me at A simple comment on the blog... Read More

beckr124's avatar

4 months ago

My Biggest Wellness Challenges

Hey all. I'm new here but ready to reduce my inflammation with this sauna. I work 80 plus hrs a wk and believe using a sauna will help me quite a bit